
We provide psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families in New York City. We have expertise in psychodynamic psychotherapy, which we supplement with techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectic behavioral therapy.

When indicated, we provide medication management to patients whom we treat in individual psychotherapy. We distinguish our practice by how thoroughly we evaluate patients and learn their life stories. We use empathy, warmth, creativity, and insight to help patients manage symptoms, explore conflicts, navigate transitions, and find meaning in their lives. We work with infants together with their parents, children, teenagers, and adults.

Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City - play therapy

Play therapy

Children and some teenagers have difficulty putting their feelings and experiences into words, but can access them more easily by play. We work with young patients in the mode in which they feel most comfortable and that gives them the deepest access to their emotions.

This form of therapy is at least once weekly for the child, often supplemented by additional sessions with the parents.

Talk therapy - Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City

Talk therapy

Adults and some teenagers benefit from talking about their lives in a supportive environment in which we help them to deepen insight, change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, and find resilience. This form of therapy is at least once weekly.

For teenagers, we often supplement individual psychotherapy with parent or family therapy sessions.

Dyadic therapy - Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City

Dyadic therapy

Parents can struggle to bond with their infants for many reasons, including post-partum psychiatric illness, stress from the multitude of life changes that parenthood brings, and deeply held pain from their own childhood. We work with parents together with their infants ages 0-3 to deepen their bond and navigate the challenges of early child development.

We also provide concurrent psychopharmacologic management for patients with post-partum psychiatric disorders. This form of treatment is usually at least twice a week - once for the parent and once for the parent-infant pair.

Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City - Couples and Family Therapy

Family therapy

We work with couples and families facing challenges in their relationships to help them to understand each other better, grapple with unresolved issues, navigate conflict, and change their pattern of relating to each other.

This form of therapy is usually weekly.

Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City


Dr. Roth is a child and adolescent psychoanalytic candidate at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.

For children and teenagers who would benefit from intensive psychotherapy, she see them three or four times weekly, often supplemented by weekly or bi-weekly parent sessions.


Medication Management

We have extensive expertise in psychopharmacology. Even when doing medication management, we draw on our training in psychotherapy to conduct thorough evaluations.

Rather than use symptom check lists and hurry patients in and out of the office, we believe that the only way to form an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan is to take the time to learn all of the different life experiences, biological risk factors, and cultural considerations that contribute to a patient’s symptoms and distress. We value close collaboration with primary therapists, primary care providers, schools, and family members.

We never “push” medication on children, adolescents, or adults, but rather discuss with patients and families when it might be a useful tool as part of a broader treatment plan.

Please note: Dr. Roth is not accepting new patients for medication management at this time.


Consultations and Second Opinions

Sometimes patients find it helpful to receive a thorough evaluation of the causes of their symptoms and distress, even when they are not interested in ongoing treatment.

Patients may also seek a second opinion when they are already in the care of other providers. We will perform detailed evaluations and provide written reports when requested.



Our Approach Is Integrative

Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Children, Adolescents, and Adults in New York City

Statement of Diversity and Inclusion

We welcome patients of all races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, and physical abilities. We value the unique life experience of each patient and believe that experiences of discrimination often contribute to suffering. We strive to provide psychiatric care in an atmosphere of respect and understanding.