Lisa Roth, pediatric psychiatrists in New York City, with expertise in psychotherapy and medication management.

L I S A R O T H, M D

Medical Director

I am a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. I attended college at Harvard University (AB 2008), received a masters in English at Oxford University (MSt 2009), and completed medical school at Columbia University (MD 2014).

I did an internship in pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (2015), residency in psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (2018), and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center (2020).

I am also a child and adolescent psychoanalytic candidate at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. I am a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, where I teach psychotherapy to child and adolescent psychiatry fellows.

  • H O N O R S A N D A W A R D S

    Castle Connolly Top Doctor in the field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and an Exceptional Woman in Medicine, 2024 and 2025

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Excellence in Teaching Award, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, 2022

    Peter Blos Fellowship in Adolescent Psychoanalysis, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 2018-2021

    Certificate for Excellence in Psychotherapy, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2018

    Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship, 2012-2013

    Gold Humanism Honor Society, 2014

    Narrative Medicine National Institutes of Heath Fellowship, 2010

    P U B L I C A T I O N S

    Roth LA. “Coronavirus has infected the internet!” The American Psychoanalyst 55 (2021): 8.

    Slomiak S, Matalon D, Roth LA. “Very early-onset schizophrenia in a six-year-old boy.” American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 12 (2017): 9-11.

    Riley CS, Roth LA, Sampson JB, Radhakrishnan J, Herlitz LC, Blitz AM, Moazami G. “A 31-year-old man with a ring-enhancing brain lesion.” Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology 37 (2017):172-175.

    Roth LA, Marra JD, LaMarca NH, Sproule DM. “Measuring disease progression in Giant Axonal Neuropathy: Implications for clinical trial design.” Journal of Child Neurology 30 (2015): 741-748.

    Roth LA, Johnson-Kerner BL, Marra JD, LaMarca NH, Sproule DM. “The absence of curly hair is associated with a milder phenotype in Giant Axonal Neuropathy.”  Neuromuscular Disorders 24 (2015): 48-55.

    Johnson-Kerner BL, Roth LA, Greene JP, Wichterle H, Sproule DM. “Giant Axonal Neuropathy: An updated perspective on its pathology and pathogenesis.” Muscle and Nerve 50 (2014): 467-476.

    Louis ED, Horn S, and Roth LA.  “The Neurological Content of S. Weir Mitchell’s Fiction.”  Neurology 66 (2006): 403-407.

    B O A R D C E R T I F I C A T I O N

    American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, general psychiatry 2019

    American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, child and adolescent psychiatry 2020

S O E T H E I N, M D

I am a psychiatrist specializing in the care of children, adolescents, and adults. I earned a bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology from Emory University (2012), where I was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and the No Rho Psi national honors society in neuroscience.

I was then awared an Intramural Research Fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (2012-2014), where I researched how brain synapses adapt to environmental stressors. I attended the University of California–Irvine School of Medicine, where I graduated with distinction in the arts and humanities (2019) and was honored for my contributions to LGBTQIA+ health.

My postgraduate training includes a general psychiatry residency (2022) and child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship (2024) at the University of California, Davis Medical Center. I additionally completed a two-year psychodynamic therapy training at the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis (2024).

I am currently part of the clinical faculty at the University of California, Davis Medical Center, where I teach and supervise psychotherapy to the residents and fellows.

I am also the creator of the Good Enough Psychiatry channel on YouTube, where I created animations describing psychodynamic psychotherapy principals for a popular audience.

I also volunteer at Telekyanmar, a non-profit healthcare service founded by the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, where I provide psychodynamic therapy and consult in child and adolescent psychiatry to children and adults in my home country.


    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Leatherman-Drell-Ritvo Grant Award for the Advancement of Psychodynamic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2024

    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychotherapy Committee Education Award, 2002

    American Psychiatric Association Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship, 2021-2023.

    UC Davis Medical Center Public Psychiatry Service Award, 2020

    UC Irvine School of Medicine David Nick Hart Fellowship Award for outstanding service to LGBTQIA health, 2019

    American Medical Student Association LGBT Health Achievement Award, 2016

    Gay and Lesbian Medical Association LGBT Health Achievement Award, 2016

    UC Irvine School of Medicine Medical Humanity Research Award, 2015

    Parkin GM, McCarthy MJ, Thein S, … Thomas E. “Saliva testing as a means to monitor therapeutic lithium levels in patients with psychiatric disorders: Identification of clinical and environmental covariates, and their incorporation into a prediction model.” Bipolar Disord. 23.7 (2021): 679-688.

    Thein S, Giroux, C. (2020). “A 72-year-old woman with recurrent manic episodes following thyroidectomy.” Journal of Psychiatry Reform 9.4 (2022).

    Ochaba J, Fote G, Kachemov M, Thein S, Yeung SY, Lau AL, … Steffan JS. “IKKß slows Huntington’s disease progression in R6/1 mice.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 166.22 (2019): 10952-1096.

    Franich N, Basso M, Andre E, Ochaba J, Kumar A, Thein S, Fote G, Lau A, Yeung S, Osmand A, Zeitlin S, Ratan R, Thompson L, Steffan J. “Striatal mutant Huntingtin protein levels decline with age in homozygous Huntington’s disease knock-in mouse models.” Journal of Huntington's Disease 7.2 (2018): 137-150.

    Thein S, Pham A, Li Y, Tao-Cheng JH. Dosemeci A. “IKK regulates CYLD at the postsynaptic density.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 450.1 (2014): 550–554.

    Thein S, Tao-Cheng JH, Li Y, Bayer K, Reese T, Dosemeci A. “CaMKII mediates recruitment and activation of CYLD at the postsynaptic density.” PLOS ONE 9.3 (2014): e91312.

    Tao-Cheng JH, Thein S, Yang Y, Reese T, Gallant P. “Homer is concentrated at the postsynaptic density and does not redistribute after acute synaptic stimulation.” Neuroscience 266.1 (2014): 80-90.

    Dosemeci A, Thein S, Yang Y, Tao-Cheng JH, Reese TS. “CYLD accumulates at the postsynaptic density in an activity-dependent manner.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 430.1 (2013): 245-249.


    American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, general psychiatry 2023